Dear Jessica,

You are one of the most naturally beautiful women in Hollywood today. But why is it that you can never, ever get the red carpet right??  I am not making you review your tragic missteps to be critical. I am only asking that you please get a new stylist or if you are dressing yourself – stop. The Academy Awards are this Sunday. Let’s not repeat any of the following…

Granted, your face is absolutely flawless.

But unless you are dressing up as Loretta Lynn let’s leave the granny couture to the older set.

Bad hair. Worse dress.

A blue velvet suit. A blue velvet suit. A blue velvet suit.

Well, that just about says it.

Look, it’s Princess Vespa from SpaceBalls!

Were you channeling Judy Jetson or Wonder Woman here?

You almost got me here. Almost. I was going to excuse the ratty hair because the dress was quite pretty. That is until I realized it was see-through and you were wearing a black leotard underneath. Oh, Jessica.

To the future Mrs. Timberlake, I will be watching the red carpet Sunday. I pray this letter has reached you in time.

- H&H Mom


Written by Lea Barlow1 Comment

Product Swap #5

Feb 15th, 2012

Last night, after spending a lovely Valentines Day with friends and neighbors, I snuggled up on the couch to watch me some Housewives of OC. But something kept beckoning me to the kitchen. It wasn’t my 3 year old asking for yet another cupcake. It wasn’t Mr. Sonny begging for more food. It was my brand new shiny bag of Skinny Pop Popcorn calling to me from the snack cabinet.  Needless to say, the aftermath had to be vacuumed up this morning.

I am completely obsessed with this popcorn which is bizarre because I have never considered myself much of a popcorn fan. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll eat it but if given a choice I am more potato than popcorn. Since we have taken up the tradition of Friday night family movie night, popcorn has become a staple in our house. We have microwaved and burned too many bags to count. No more. There will never be another brand of popcorn in our house other than Skinny Pop. Here’s why:

1. It is ALL NATURAL everything!

2. It has the word Skinny in it’s name. Sorry, I am a sucker for marketing.

3. It is only 39 calories per cup (I think I had 42 cups last night but who’s counting?)

4. It doesn’t taste like cardboard. Seriously. It is super delicious.

I have only seen it at our local Fresh Market but click here to find it near you. I want to hear what you have to say after you try it!


Written by Lea Barlow1 Comment

Name: Lynne Austin

Kids: Zac,21 Anna Rose,13 Sarah Jayne,11 Audra Grace, 9


Hooters Spokesperson and Original Hooters Girl

On air personality for CBS sports 1010am Hooters Nation Morning Show

Stylist for Stella & Dot Jewelry

Partner in Calender Girl Wines, LLC

Owner of Austintatious,  All things bling


Born in Plant City, FL. Raised in Odessa, FL.

H&H Interview with Lynne:

1.  What are the top 3 items in your grocery cart?

Organic milk, lemons, tostidos and salsa

2.  What are you reading (honestly)?


3.  What is your guilty pleasure when you get a break from the grind?

GUILTY pleasure?  Um, that’s TMI for your article!

4.  What would we be surprised to find in your purse?

My well used Hooters VIP card.

5.  What is your favorite reality TV show?

I have NEVER seen a reality show!

6.  What is your cocktail of choice?

Fireball cinnamon whiskey over ice.

7.  What is the funniest thing your kids have said or done lately?

“Mama, is Santa Claus right or left handed?”

And,  “Mama, I’m glad you’re fluffy, Skinny mommies scare me”

The Whole Gang

8.  What is your favorite quotation?

“You can’t eat an elephant in 1 bite, but, you can eat him 1 bite at a time.” – My dad.

9.  What is your most dreaded household chore?

Putting away clean laundry.

10.  Who is your favorite celebrity mom and why?

Kate Beckinsale. She’s so stinkin’ cute and has such fun with her daughter.

11.  What is one thing most people don’t know about you?

I can do the splits.

12.  What is your secret to staying Hot & Healthy?

My kids energy and auras, dirty jokes, sweet kisses , the music on my ipod and the love of baseball.

*Thanks, Lynne!*


Written by Lea Barlow1 Comment

Friend or Foe?

Feb 10th, 2012

by Alexis Novak


Written by Alexis Novak2 Comments