Shelve the B12

Jan 25th, 2011

It had been one of those weeks. Three nights in row of 2 am breathing treatments with my 4 year old and of course, subsequent middle of the night visits from her curious little brother. Having only banked 12 hours of sleep in three days I was beyond cranky and tired. As we all know, mommies cannot afford to get sick.  So I popped into my doctor’s office for a B12 shot with the notion a heavy dose of vitamins would immediately tranform my zombie-like demeanor. No such luck.

Here’s what a B12 shot is supposed to do:

B12 increases metabolism, the side effect of which can be weight loss. With regular B12 shots and a combination of other weight loss regimens, people have reported to lose weight much faster and they attribute it to the shot.

B12 is also a great energy booster. What better way to deliver an energy booster than directly into the bloodstream?

B12 is a highly recommended mood booster. If you suffer from mild depression once in a while, you can try a B12 shot as a mood booster – some people have reported feeling happily giddy afterwards, but not for long. In a few hours, it settles and you are just happy.

Who wouldn’t want all of those amazing benefits?? Well, here was my experience getting a B12 shot:

Waited 45 minutes for the nurse.

Received painful injection in left shoulder

Paid $25

Waited with baited breath for energy boost…..

Waited some more….maybe the giddiness will come later??

and ZERO increase in energy.

But as an added bonus, my arm did hurt for the remainder of the day.

My expectations may have been a tad high. I was hoping for something closer to a Kennedy-era vitamin boost. I guess I’ll go back to the basics for an increase in energy. You know, the fun stuff like getting 8 hours of sleep, limiting caffeine and alcohol intake and regular exercise. If that doesn’t work maybe I’ll just hit one of the mom’s in the car line up for an Adderall…

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Written by Lea Barlow1 Comment

One Response to Shelve the B12

    Stacie Hummel Tue, Jan 25, 9:55am


    I’ve never tried the shot but I do take liquid B12 as part of my daily vitamin regimen (although I take double the recommended dose). It really does seem to help with energy and mood. Maybe you could try that, it’s a less painful option and less expensive. You can buy it at CVS and they usually have buy one get one 1/2 off or free.

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