How to Burn 100 Calories

Jun 15th, 2011

Some of these are obvious and some are just down right ridiculous but none of them involve sex or walking up an amount of endless stairs.  I wanted to give you more unique ways to burn a few extra calories in the day.

1. Indulge your inner dork and do 27 underwater handstands.

2. Push a grocery cart for 45 minutes.

3. Put a 42-pound 4-year-old in the child seat and it’ll only take half an hour.

4. Carry five grocery bags from the car to the kitchen and put the food away, take out the trash, wash the dishes, and wipe down the kitchen counter.

5. Eat chili for a couple of days: Research shows that chili peppers boost your metabolic rate, burning 50 more cals a day.

6. Hula-hoop for 22 minutes.

7. Wash, halve, and seed two acorn squash, then watch them bake for 30 minutes.

8. Play “Chopsticks” on the piano incessantly for 41 minutes.

9. Sing the Grease original soundtrack from start to finish.

10. Degrease by scrubbing in the shower for 15 minutes, then spend 7 minutes shaving, 3 minutes toweling off, 4 minutes moisturizing, and 20 minutes blow-drying and styling your hair.

11. Have fun when you get back to work: Twirl 123 times in your office chair (try not to puke).

12. Shop during your lunch hour while carrying a 7-pound hobo bag (and, naturally, a few new purchases).

13. Kick off your Sunday shoes and dance to the first four songs off the Footloose soundtrack.

14. Drink 3 cups of green tea in 24 hours: Researchers say it can increase energy expenditure by 106 calories.

15. Play interactive Wii Tennis for 13 minutes.

16. Do 780 jumping jacks. Yes, 780.

17. Spend 29 minutes mopping over any scuff marks.

18. Sweep your floors for 15 minutes, then vacuum for 15.

19. Now read 30 pages of Hugo’s Les Misérables (or how about just lifting that book a few times!)

20. Take in the greenery: Sit in lotus position and breathe deeply for an hour and 42 minutes.

21. Email 68 times.

22. Carry a cooler stocked with three bottles of water, a six-pack, four PB&Js, two oranges, a bag of tortilla chips, and 12 servings of cool cucumber salsa for 22 minutes.

23. Slather on lip balm 765 times

24. Swing a lasso over your head 375 times

25. Play fashion show and try on 16 different outfits (one every 3 minutes). – my personal favorite


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