Extreme Style Mishaps

Mar 30th, 2011

As busy moms, we can sometimes make excuses for days when our attire is less than stylish.  But there are some fashion mistakes that are completely inexcusable.  Here are a few fashion pitfalls to be avoided at all costs told visually and for dramatic effect through my favorite celebrity mom disaster, Britney Spears.

1. Baggy, stained clothes

I have never understood this look.  Who leaves the house in clothes that are not even fit to sleep in?  The one and only exception to this is if you have a newborn.  Your brain isn’t working correctly and the baby is constantly spitting up all over you.  But if your baby is over three months old and you consider this appropriate attire to be seen in, quickly get on some meds.  Without a proper fit, you don’t have style—end of story. One thing to always remember is not to get hung up on sizes. This can be tough when you are trying to shed baby weight. Trust me, you will look much better in something that fits and is tailored to your current size.  It’s simple, when you look better in your clothes, you feel better about yourself.

2. Footwear

Okay, I realize there is a lot going on in this picture.  Let’s ignore the ill-fitting jean shorts and cigarette dangling from her mouth and focus on her shoe selection.  All I can think of here is how awful her feet must stink.  If the weather is warm enough for tank tops and shorts, why choose boots?  But I do not think anyone can explain what’s going on in Ms. Britney’s head.  Here are my rules on shoe selection:  1.  sneakers ONLY with workout gear – the only exception is if you are going to a theme park.  2.  Avoid Crocs.  You are an adult –  ’nuff said.   3.  I’m okay with flip-flops because I live in Florida.  Just don’t wear them all the time.  4.  Wear heels every chance you get.  They make your legs look amazing and that shoe choice alone means you have decided to put forth a little more effort into your appearance.

3. Bad Hair

This is one busted weave.  Ladies, I believe god created hats specifically with women in mind.  He is a loving god. So, for his sake, when you are having a particularly bad hair day, which for me is very often, put on a hat.  It’s easy and hats are one of the most inexpensive fashion accessories.

4. Sweats

Wearing dingy sweats is only acceptable if you are miserably sick or need to take the dog out to do his business late at night or very early in the morning. For any other reason, you will always look lumpy, bumpy, shapeless and just plain sloppy. I would hope that’s not the look you’re going for. If it’s cold, pull out a heavy cable knit sweater or a cardigan.  To avoid temptation, just throw the sweats out all together.

5.  Dress your age

Unfortunately, I am guilty of this sin.  In my mind I am still 16 and have to watch myself when selecting clothes.  You can secretly listen to Miley Cyrus on your iPod but you can’t dress like her. Besides, the stuff in juniors is typically of lesser quality.  I can still successfully shop at American Eagle by sticking to the longer shorts and skirts. I have come to terms with the fact that I look ridiculous in shorts the size of a postage stamp.

Originally posted September 2, 2010

*Reader Note: It is Spring Break and the family is headed to Disney. Please enjoy some of my favorite posts for the remainder of the week. H&H will be back in business on Monday!*

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