Beach boo-tay

May 26th, 2010

Okay, maybe getting an ass like this is a bit of a stretch but what I believe sets us ‘hot’ moms apart from others is that we keep trying.  We may never be able to completely defy gravity but we can hold it at bay and even repair what those pesky kids did to our rear view.  To be nice, I’ll start with the easiest of the butt toning exercises and end with the most dreaded.  To regain the perk, please do all four exercises 3 times a week.  Do it.  Now.  You’re welcome.

1. Lying Butt Lift

The lying butt lift, is one of the simplest and easiest butt firming exercises. Lie on your back and place your right heel on a low surface, like a coffee table, side of the bed or use a chair.  Rest left ankle on right knee.  Keep arms at your side and shoulders flat.  Lift hips and squeeze your tush. 3 sets of 10 on each side.

2. Step-ups

Step-ups are another easy to do butt firming exercises. You just have to step on a platform, or any raised area for that matter. You have to step up and down repeatedly on a quick motion with a straight back at all times to be able to work not only your butt, but also your legs, and even your thighs. 3 sets of 20.

3. Lunges

These aren’t quite as bad as squats but they are no picnic either.  The good news is that lunges not only firm your butt — they also tone your legs. The successful lunge is done this way: first, you stand with your two feet pointed straight and with a distance of at least a shoulder width. Bend into lunge and make sure your knee doesn’t extend beyond your toes. 3 sets of 12 on each leg.  Hold 5-10 pound free weights to add intensity.

4.  Squats

The squat is my most hated butt firming exercise but a necessary evil.  Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.  Keep your feet planted firmly on the floor, with your back straight and head facing forward.  Slowly lower your body, while bending your legs. Be sure not to lean forward. Don’t allow your knees to extend over your toes. Keep squating until you are in a seated position.  After you have performed a full squat, begin to lift you body and come to your starting position again. 2 sets of 20.  Again, add free weights to increase intensity.


Written by Lea BarlowLeave a comment

Kid-friendly superfoods

May 25th, 2010

Getting kids to eat healthy food can be just plain hard.  Over and over again I have assembled nutritious meals worthy of the toughest food critic only to find myself microwaving mac-and-cheese and corn dogs so my kids don’t go to bed hungry.  The utter shame of this makes me keep trying.  I have finally found a few nutrient-full food items that they tolerate.  At least for now.

1.  Greek yogurt and blueberries:  Greek yogurt not only has the healthy bacteria known to boost immunity and help digestion it also has almost 3 times the amount of protein found in traditional yogurt.  Add in the blueberries for an antioxidant blast.  Make your own yogurt pops by blending the blueberries with the flavored yogurt and freeze for a refreshing summertime treat.

2.  Tofu: High in protein, vitamins and minerals while low in calories, sodium and fat, tofu packs a one-stop nutritional punch not found in many other foods.  My kids love tofu loaded into miso soup.  I even bought them the spoons like the ones available at sushi restaurants.

3.  Black Beans:  These beans are a great source of protein and are also high in fiber and calcium.  Luckily, my kids will eat these without any fan fare but if yours won’t, try making black-bean veggie burgers or black-bean quesadillas triangles.

4.  Cocoa & Cinnamon:  I didn’t know about these two until I ran across in article in Parenting magazine touting the duo’s nutritional benefits.  Cocoa has a high concentration of flavonoids, a compound known to improve blood pressure and heart health while cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar.  Add them together and sprinkle on muffins, cereal, oatmeal or even popcorn.  *Note:  Make sure the pure cocoa isn’t processed with alkali which removes the majority of the flavonoids.


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Wedge Madness

May 24th, 2010

I am a lover of all shoes but the wedge is particularly close to my heart.  It’s the one summer shoe style that allows you to wear heels with your shorts without looking like a street walker.  Here a a few that I am digging this season.  Mostly all affordable with the exception of the black Pradas.  I couldn’t resist.
Fashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore

Summer Wedges

Summer Wedges by leabarlow featuring Steve Madden shoes


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Name: Leslie Levick Burket

Kids: Trent 2, Lila 9 months

Occupation: Kindergarten teacher,

currently… full time diaper changer, housekeeper, toddler wrangler

Hometown: St. Petersburg, FL

Read full interview with Leslie here


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